EPSA brings together manufacturers and distributors of platform lifts and stair lifts, plus component supplier and installation companies, from many countries throughout Europe, and seeks to extend the membership to all EU member states. This leads to many benefits for both individual companies and for the industry as a whole. These include:
- Information – on current and proposed legislation, standards, industry issues, etc.
- Discussion – a forum for meeting to discuss, or exchange views by email, any and every issue that impacts your business without infringing competition law.
- Networking – an opportunity to meet regularly, formally and informally, with industry colleagues and competitors to exchange views, etc.
- Representation – a means of discussing and agreeing a common industry position on any issue and submitting it to the European Commission, European Parliament, national governments or other authorities. United we stand!
- Assistance – a means for members to seek the views of other members, in confidence, by going through the secretariat.
- Participation – an opportunity to work with other industry associations and organisations towards achieving a common goal. These include The European Lift Association (ELA) and the European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EFESME).
- Events – the EPSA General Assembly is held annually during May or June. A conference session takes place on the morning of the General Assembly with guest speakers in attendance for a question and answer session on issues relevant to the industry.
- Presentations – EPSA offers a forum to invite individuals and organisations to explain to, or inform members about, various topics and issues.
- Technical standards – EPSA is represented by members on each of the CEN TC10 working groups that write the standards for lifting platforms and stair lifts. This allows all members to submit comments and views throughout the drafting process, and to be kept fully informed of all new requirements well in advance.
- Training – an opportunity for members to participate in regulatory training sessions for each of the product groups offered by EPSA members.